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Online school made
possible world-wide with

Kollb Academy
The first AI online school

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Discover a variety of amazing lessons and become an expert in any of them. Get the niche knowledge you need to succeed in life.

Chooses the lessons for you
Master skills school doesn't teach

What Schools Don’t Teach You

Master the skills life demands

Unlock essential knowledge and real-world skills often missing from the classroom. Our platform empowers you to bridge the gap, ensuring you're prepared for life’s challenges with confidence.


Connect with people to grow your network

Find other students or professionals with the same interests as you to evolve with.

Create a network with other members
Empower yourself with AI

Artificial Intelligence

Empower yourself with AI to learn faster

Take note of important information with our AI tools in few clicks. We promote renowned learning practices.

Get started with Kollb Academy

Grow knowledge with Kollb

Take part in our HUGE pre-launch discounts

Pick & Learn

$100 $50/month

Access to 10 course.

Cancel at any-time.


Unlimited Learning

$160 $80/month

Access to all available courses.

Cancel at any-time.

Own It Forever

$2000 $1000

Lifetime access to all course.

All Memberships Includes

AI Assistant

Intuitive learning


Easy hiring path

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